Healthcare Highways

3 min read

COVID-19, the Common Cold, and the Flu. Is There Really a Difference?

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2 min read

The Silent Crisis

The Staggering Numbers Surrounding Suicide in Youths

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1 min read

The Importance of Healthy Sleep Schedules

Getting Back on Track for School

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1 min read

Overdose Awareness Day

Shining a Light on the Hidden Crisis in Schools.

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2 min read

Making a Splash, Safely

According to the American Red Cross, drowning is the leading cause of death for children in the United States, with children under the age of 1 years...

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1 min read

Men’s Health Month Encourages Proactive Wellness

Men's Health Month in June is a crucial time to reflect on the significance of men taking their health seriously. Men's Health Month is dedicated to...

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1 min read

Protecting Vision During Celebrations

Fireworks are a staple of celebrations. However, fireworks pose significant risks, particularly to our eyes. Every year, thousands of people suffer...

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1 min read

The Importance of Early Skin Cancer Detection and Treatment

Skin cancer poses a significant challenge, impacting millions worldwide annually. According to the Skin Cancer Foundation, one in five Americans will...

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1 min read

Breaking the Stigma During Mental Health Awareness Month

Mental health is not just an individual concern; it's a societal one. May is Mental Health Awareness Month in the United States. It’s a time to raise...

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